Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Aligning reward with the employer brand strategy is crucial to retaining and motivating staff

Integrating reward strategy with employer brand will help employers put themselves in the best position for the upturn, new research reveals. According to the CIPD and Mercer, reward can influence employee attitudes and should be linked to behaviors that support organization strategy. Charles Cotton, reward adviser at the CIPD, said: "There are many benefits that can be derived from having a compelling employer brand that is supported by employee rewards, which is demonstrated in our interviews. Engagement can be enhanced by a brand that is demonstrably aligned to rewards as it provides an opportunity for companies to put their money where their mouth is in promoting desired corporate behaviors and image. Engaged employees who believe in the brand then promote the image more effectively to customers."

Chris Johnson, head of Mercer's human capital business, added: "All participants in this research agree that aligning rewards with the employer brand helps in attracting, retaining and motivating staff. It demonstrates the employer's financial commitment to the employer proposition, which in turn fosters a positive employee experience. In the long-term, branding and reward should become mutually supportive, ensuring authenticity within the organization."

The above article was extracted from Skyline Talent  updates of Skyline College. Skyline College is amongst the top MBA delhi and BBAinstitutes in Delhi, Gurgaon (NCR).

Work and fun - Striking a chord

Gone are the days when employers would scorn at the concept of ‘work-life balance’. However, experts point out that there are several employees, despite innovative efforts made by organizations, who find the task of striking a chord between work and personal commitments quite excruciating. ‘Work-life’ balance remains the buzzword in the corporate parlance and it is a well-acknowledged fact that having a good work-life balance is essential for the well-being of an organization and its employees as it is crucial for employee engagement and productivity. But with the advancement of technology and changing workplace dynamics, the line between one’s work and personal life is narrowing rapidly, thus making the struggle between striking the right chord between office duties and familial commitments a day-to-day affair for many people.

Sanjay Muthal, MD, Nugrid Consulting Pvt. Ltd suggests a few tips that you can adopt to ensure a good work-life balance: 1) time management: start on time and leave on time and do not carry work home; this trend is slowly turning out to be the norm among professionals these days. Find support from someone (a cook, good daycare facility, housekeeping service, a driver, etc) who can run errands for you, particularly women, 2) eat well: do not skip meals; good food and sound sleep are important as they give you the much needed energy to shoulder various responsibilities and 3) take short breaks: when needed, take a break from work; you could opt for a short vacation or even spend quality time with your friends/family. However, time it well so that it does not stress you, when you return.

The above article was extracted from Skyline Talent  updates of Skyline College. Skyline College is amongst the top MBA delhi and BBAinstitutes in Delhi, Gurgaon (NCR).

Cultural Intelligence: A New Approach to International Management Training

Many organizations international firms, multinational companies and those who are now going global require their managers to work across borders. Consequently, organizations increasingly need managers who have the know-how to quickly become culturally fluent and who can react in a way that is culturally appropriate. Specifically, global managers need to be able to work with multiple cultures and in multinational teams.

However, the challenge of global management effectiveness becomes even more difficult when managers spend shorter periods in any single place and are frequently moved from one location to another. As a result, their country-specific knowledge becomes less relevant. According to authors Earley and Peterson, the traditional approach used in intercultural training is no longer effective enough for todays global manager. They propose a model, based on the elements of cultural intelligence (CQ), to better prepare global managers to be effective in various intercultural settings.

Cultural Intelligence the capacity to gather, interpret and behaviorally adapt to cultural contexts.

The above article was extracted from Skyline Talent  updates of Skyline College. Skyline College is amongst the top MBA delhi and BBAinstitutes in Delhi, Gurgaon (NCR).

Monday, June 28, 2010

Capital Incentives & Motivation offers ethical employee benefits option to encourage greener behavior

Capital Incentives & Motivation, a division of Accor Services, has launched an ethical employee benefits solution. Compliments Green, which was launched in partnership with Green Rewards, can be incorporated within any existing employee, channel partner or customer incentive programme or as a new standalone scheme used as a basis for encouraging ‘greener' behavior.

The programme uses an e-voucher and online account and operates with a points-based system. Once participants have accrued enough points, they choose an environmentally-friendly reward at Green Rewards, an existing internet store that specializes in independently assessed ethical products and services. Rewards have an 800-strong portfolio of reward options including clothing, experiences, organic wine, scooters and garden hammocks. This range of reward options is expanding dramatically as demand for true green products increases.

Derrick Hardman, managing director at Capital Incentives & Motivation, said: "Almost half of all jobseekers say they are more likely to join or stay with a company that addresses social issues and 23% of those who think their organization is environmentally- aware have an increasing sense of motivation.

"We believe the innovative nature of Compliments Green, with its e-voucher and ethical principles, will make a difference to businesses both externally and internally. Externally because corporations that are actively considering the environment may be viewed in a better light, which is vital in the current competitive climate, and internally so staff and members of the public - whether they pride themselves on being eco-citizens or just want to feel they're reducing their impact on the planet - can be motivated by rewards that appeal to them."

The above article was extracted from Skyline Talent  updates of Skyline College. Skyline College is amongst the top MBA delhi and BBAinstitutes in Delhi, Gurgaon (NCR).

How to Keep Your Top Talent

Practically every company these days has some form of program designed to nurture its rising stars. With good reason—these high-achieving individuals can have an enormous impact on business results.

Programs aimed at this class of talent are usually organized around some sort of annual nomination process and offer targeted leadership-development opportunities such as business rotations and special stretch assignments. But despite the prevalence of these programs, most haven’t delivered much in the way of results. Our recent research on leadership transitions demonstrates that nearly 40% of internal job moves made by people identified by their companies as “high potentials” end in failure. Moreover, disengagement within this cohort of employees has been remarkably high since the start of the recession: In a September 2009 survey by the Corporate Executive Board, one in three emerging stars reported feeling disengaged from his or her company. Even more striking, 12% of all the high potentials in the companies we studied said they were actively searching for a new job—suggesting that as the economy rebounds and the labor market warms up, organizations may see their most promising employees take flight in large numbers.

The above article was extracted from Skyline Talent  updates of Skyline College. Skyline College is amongst the top MBA delhi and BBAinstitutes in Delhi, Gurgaon (NCR).

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Wellness Imperative: Creating More Effective Organizations

Wellness is an extremely powerful element that can play a significant role in employee engagement, organizational productivity, talent retention, and creativity and innovation. Organizations can improve their effectiveness significantly by addressing the wellness shortfall with a strategic whole-systems approach. To realize real business gains, wellness must be approached strategically and incorporated into a broader organizational effectiveness framework. Research has found compelling evidence linking health and well-being to employee engagement, organizational productivity, talent retention and creativity and innovation. Right Management’s findings point the way to a broader understanding of and a significantly new approach to promoting wellness in the workplace.

Redefining wellness – as a state of being that is shaped by engagement and other workplace factors as much as by physical and psychological health – and making wellness central to business strategy opens an important new avenue to increasing organizational effectiveness. As the post-recession world economy slowly takes shape, those organizations that choose to follow this path are more likely to boost workforce productivity, drive business performance and realize core strategic goals.

The above article was extracted from Skyline Talent  updates of Skyline College. Skyline College is amongst the top MBA delhi and BBAinstitutes in Delhi, Gurgaon (NCR).

Winning over your associates

In his last speech to a corporate audience, Vince Lombardi, the celebrated coach of Green Bay Packers and Washington Redskins, said “I am going to share with you the key to success in any business.” What followed was a long pause and a deafening silence. The audience was surely on the edges of their seats waiting for the answer. He said, “The secret is, in a word ‘Heart-power’. Capture the heart; you have captured the person. Get people to fall in love with your company”.

You need to treat your associates like customers, which means you must understand their needs especially those unexpressed needs and then remember them as this will enable you to effectively support their performance and their careers. You must create a boundary-less environment in your team and facilitate exciting and meaningful conversations between different teams and team members to deliver high performance. You must recognize contributions, commitment, hard work and any consistent display of core values as it reinforces behaviors which lead to high performance.

Establishing a culture of winning hearts and minds should be a key priority for the executive team and the human resources department. Human resources must play a missionary role to constantly reflect, preach and reinforce the core values of the organization and fundamental values like mutual respect, trust, fairness etc

The above article was extracted from Skyline Talent  updates of Skyline College. Skyline College is amongst the top MBA delhi and BBAinstitutes in Delhi, Gurgaon (NCR).

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Innovative practices in Motivation

Companies that do not handle their staff sensitively fail to attract talent when need it the most and are also weighed down by a demotivated workforce. A great pool at all times is of paramount importance and needs to be groomed and developed.Companies are taking people related initiatives as there is a need to handle human resources advantageously, so that they do not loose the competitive edge in talent management. At Coco-Cola India’s Gurgaon headquarter receive four liters of company beverage free in a program called ‘Weekend Funda’.In a tiny gesture that is supplemented with other services like concierge and crèche services, a diversity council and a coke university for workforce training to assist in keeping motivation high. 

The company claims that this has helped in keeping attrition at an all time low of 15%IGate is among a few firms that have continued to offer stock options to its employees. There are long term investments measures for weddings, families, even retirement, as the company is of the opinion that people wish for a compensation by which they can focus on comfortable quality of living and not on cost of living.

The above article was extracted from Skyline Talent  updates of Skyline College. Skyline College is amongst the top MBA delhi and BBAinstitutes in Delhi, Gurgaon (NCR).

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Innovative HR practices

Companies are taking up people related initiatives as there is a need to manage human resources advantageously so as to not to lose the competitive edge in the talent that they have built.At Godrej Consumer Product limited (GCPL) the rebranding of the company sphere goes under the aegis of ‘brighter working’ where an employee is connected to a PC, office and factories are being brightened up and exchange of ideas is encouraged.

The company is also assisting in making the breaks more relaxing. It has started a day care centre of women employees who generally have t leave their jobs to become mothers. Mangers are also encouraged to come up with long term strategic plans that can be beneficial for the company to propel it to the next level.

Companies are making unique ways to convey their message to the employees. Technovate also provided a pack of sugarless, bitter chocolates to its new recruits in trainings .The moral of the training was ‘never go by the cover, it could be deceiving’.

The above article was extracted from Skyline Talent  updates of Skyline College. Skyline College is amongst the top MBA delhi and BBA institutes in Delhi, Gurgaon (NCR).

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Making Jack play at Work

Stress and a poor work life balance can really affect an employee’s well being and subsequently the output. Corporate head of the ‘best places to work’ organizations have realized that money may not be enough to keep employees in high spirits. Acclaris, a US based KPO ranked one of the best ITeS workplaces companies in India has appointed a ‘Chief Fun officer’ whose duty is to devise fun things for employees to do all the year round.

The company claims that the attrition rates have gone down from 18% -12%.Phillips India, on its part, conducts Isha Yoga Inner engineering program specially designed for employees. The company contributes immensely to individual and group excellence through productivity, work ethics and satisfaction. At Angel Broking, apart from regular health checkup, employees suffering from emotional or intellectual stress can avail ‘self Management ‘programme.

The above article was extracted from Skyline Talent  updates of Skyline College. Skyline College is amongst the top MBA delhi and BBA institutes in Delhi, Gurgaon (NCR).

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Humor for Retaining Employees

As more and more organizations reengineer, merge, restructure, downsize, right size, and even capsize, employees confront uncertainty on an almost daily basis. The rules keep changing in terms of what they're supposed to do, how they’re supposed to do it, who they do it for, and whether they get to do it at all. And since most have little or no control over the making of these rules, the result is often a sense of powerlessness that translates into increased stress, decreased wellness, demoralization, absenteeism, and lower productivity, all of which affect rates of retaining employees. And we all know that people are an organization’s number one asset, and losing them costs money.

 So, how do you help employees, who have little or no control over external events, survive a crazy-making situation? Organizations need to encourage employees to take control over the one aspect of the situation they do control - how they choose to respond to it. And on those days where workers feel overwhelmed, overworked, and have no idea what's going to happen next, the only rational, life-affirming response is to go find some colleagues, and break out the clown noses, kazoos etc.

Why is laughter such a positive choice? We all know that it makes us feel good, but in today’s bottom-line oriented workplace, the term "feel good" is too nebulous to have much impact on how people go about structuring their job interactions and professional relationships.

And most organizations are not going to promote humor as part of their culture because some "touchy feely" wellness devotee thinks that having the boss come to work dressed as a chicken will create a happy afterglow.So any discussion of the benefits of laughter needs to be more tangible and focused on addressing positive morale, a major factor contributing to retaining valued employees. Remember though, humor is a coping mechanism to aid in retaining employees, not a cure-all for other systemic problems affecting organizations.

The above article was extracted from Skyline Talent  updates of Skyline College. Skyline College is amongst the top MBA delhi and BBA institutes in Delhi, Gurgaon (NCR).

Innovative practices in Motivation

Companies that do not handle their staff sensitively fail to attract talent when need it the most and are also weighed down by a demotivated workforce. A great pool at all times is of paramount importance and needs to be groomed and developed.Companies are taking people related initiatives as there is a need to handle human resources advantageously, so that they do not loose the competitive edge in talent management. At Coco-Cola India’s Gurgaon headquarter receive four liters of company beverage free in a program called ‘Weekend Funda’.In a tiny gesture that is supplemented with other services like concierge and crèche services, a diversity council and a coke university for workforce training to assist in keeping motivation high.

The company claims that this has helped in keeping attrition at an all time low of 15%IGate is among a few firms that have continued to offer stock options to its employees. There are long term investments measures for weddings, families, even retirement, as the company is of the opinion that people wish for a compensation by which they can focus on comfortable quality of living and not on cost of living.

The above article was extracted from Skyline Talent  updates of Skyline College. Skyline College is amongst the top MBA delhi and BBA institutes in Delhi, Gurgaon (NCR).

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Wellness Imperative: Creating More Effective Organizations

Wellness is an extremely powerful element that can play a significant role in employee engagement, organizational productivity, talent retention, and creativity and innovation. Organizations can improve their effectiveness significantly by addressing the wellness shortfall with a strategic whole-systems approach. To realize real business gains, wellness must be approached strategically and incorporated into a broader organizational effectiveness framework. Research has found compelling evidence linking health and well-being to employee engagement, organizational productivity, talent retention and creativity and innovation. Right Management’s findings point the way to a broader understanding of and a significantly new approach to promoting wellness in the workplace.

Redefining wellness – as a state of being that is shaped by engagement and other workplace factors as much as by physical and psychological health – and making wellness central to business strategy opens an important new avenue to increasing organizational effectiveness. As the post-recession world economy slowly takes shape, those organizations that choose to follow this path are more likely to boost workforce productivity, drive business performance and realize core strategic goals.

The above article was extracted from Skyline Talent  updates of Skyline College. Skyline College is amongst the top MBA delhi and BBA institutes in Delhi, Gurgaon (NCR).

Winning over your associates

In his last speech to a corporate audience, Vince Lombardi, the celebrated coach of Green Bay Packers and Washington Redskins, said “I am going to share with you the key to success in any business.” What followed was a long pause and a deafening silence. The audience was surely on the edges of their seats waiting for the answer.

He said, “The secret is, in a word ‘Heart-power’. Capture the heart; you have captured the person. Get people to fall in love with your company”. You need to treat your associates like customers, which means you must understand their needs especially those unexpressed needs and then remember them as this will enable you to effectively support their performance and their careers. You must create a boundary-less environment in your team and facilitate exciting and meaningful conversations between different teams and team members to deliver high performance. You must recognize contributions, commitment, hard work and any consistent display of core values as it reinforces behaviors which lead to high performance.

Establishing a culture of winning hearts and minds should be a key priority for the executive team and the human resources department. Human resources must play a missionary role to constantly reflect, preach and reinforce the core values of the organization and fundamental values like mutual respect, trust, fairness etc

The above article was extracted from Skyline Talent  updates of Skyline College. Skyline College is amongst the top MBA delhi and BBA institutes in Delhi, Gurgaon (NCR).

Monday, June 14, 2010

Work and fun - Striking a chord

Gone are the days when employers would scorn at the concept of ‘work-life balance’. However, experts point out that there are several employees, despite innovative efforts made by organizations, who find the task of striking a chord between work and personal commitments quite excruciating. ‘Work-life’ balance remains the buzzword in the corporate parlance and it is a well-acknowledged fact that having a good work-life balance is essential for the well-being of an organization and its employees as it is crucial for employee engagement and productivity. But with the advancement of technology and changing workplace dynamics, the line between one’s work and personal life is narrowing rapidly, thus making the struggle between striking the right chord between office duties and familial commitments a day-to-day affair for many people.

Sanjay Muthal, MD, Nugrid Consulting Pvt. Ltd suggests a few tips that you can adopt to ensure a good work-life balance: 1) time management: start on time and leave on time and do not carry work home; this trend is slowly turning out to be the norm among professionals these days. Find support from someone (a cook, good daycare facility, housekeeping service, a driver, etc) who can run errands for you, particularly women, 2) eat well: do not skip meals; good food and sound sleep are important as they give you the much needed energy to shoulder various responsibilities and 3) take short breaks: when needed, take a break from work; you could opt for a short vacation or even spend quality time with your friends/family. However, time it well so that it does not stress you, when you return.

The above article was extracted from Skyline Talent  updates of Skyline College. Skyline College is amongst the top MBA delhi and BBA institutes in Delhi, Gurgaon (NCR).

Hiring goes interactive as HR targets Gen-next

In the bad old days, corporate flew their HR teams to multiple cities across the country, paying for airfares and attendant other overheads, in an attempt to pick the best young minds from B-schools. That world is facing demise, with companies preferring novel methods to choose the right candidates, reaching out to the net-savvy, socially-networked youth through interactive, problem-solving methods that are appreciated by the younger generation and gets the right candidates for companies.

Novel methods in hiring are being tried across sectors, but one that caught attention in recent times was the case study method that Pepsi deployed, in association with Contests2Win, inviting top B-school students to crack a marketing problem. The short-listed teams were offered the sop of flying to the MNC’s New York headquarters to make their video presentations, and of course being offered placements.

Says Raj Menon, COO of C2W: “Companies are realizing that consumers are no longer mere audiences, but they are co-creators of the brand, and that satisfied customers can actually help proliferate and amplify the image and reach of the brand concerned.”

Menon says more companies are getting hooked on to such novel hiring methods, which gives them a better “touch and feel’ in recruiting candidates rather than the traditional method of visiting different cities, scanning mark sheets and making a choice largely based on academic performance.

The above article was extracted from Skyline updates of Skyline College. Skyline College is amongst the top MBA delhi and BBA institutes in Delhi, Gurgaon (NCR).